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Project Management, Procurement, Business Analysis, Training

At Ryton Projects, we understand the importance of project management. Effective project management saves your business time and money. It puts you in the right position to be successful, to be more profitable.

Whether you want us to be your project managers, assist in complex procurements or negotiations, find efficiency savings, or train your project managers, we have the expertise to deliver real benefits to you and your business.


"... the right skills mix in terms of technical knowledge, procurement / contract negotiation experience, and project management skills ..."
"... ability to work constructively and effectively within a public sector environment, and to understand the political and legislative constraints ..."
"... skills in negotiation, problem solving, project management and business case preparation ..."

Quality and Experience

Ryton Projects is a high quality project management consultancy, providing services to the public and private sectors since 2007. With years of project delivery experience, we can help you achieve what you want from your projects and your business.